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[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 1681 times]

Affordable Temporary Prosthetic Leg designed for use by patients that are waiting on a permanent leg prosthetic. The present invention is a temporary prosthetic lower leg that provides the necessary support for leg amputees in a discrete manner. Prosthetics are very costly and represent a budget impact even for those with insurance and are time consuming to manufacture. A person must be measured, then wait for the prosthetic to be individually made. Once made, the prosthetic is fitted to the comfortability of the user. Throughout this process, the user relies on crutches, wheelchairs or other devices which severely limits the mobility and negatively affects the user’s independence. Accordingly, there exists a need for a means by which the functionality of a prosthetic leg can be provided in a time and cost effective manner to address these concerns. My understanding is that there is a large market for this type of prosthetic and there are no others on the market that are similar.

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Patent Pending design interested in selling or licensing the affordable lower leg prosthetic. Would consider licensing with royalties or other form of partnership.

Comes with Professional Research Report from Patent Attorney with Opinion and Feasibility Study and Marketing. Discusses the size of market and worldwide distribution as well as a good chance of a utility patent.

Please email me to discuss.

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