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Heatable Glove
[Category : - AMUSEMENT SPORTS- Wearing apparel]
[Viewed 3326 times]
A glove 10 comprises a pliantly-flexible metacarpus portion 12 for enclosing the hand, individual pliantly-flexible phalange portions 16 which extend from the metacarpus portion 12 for receiving the fingers, and a sealed reusable liquid heating element 22 which is, permanently and integrally, provided on a back side 24 of the glove. The liquid heating element 22 contains an aqueous supercoolable salt solution, preferably including sodium acetate. To activate the heating element, a flexible ferrous strip or disc with one or more fissures or slits is provided in the reservoir. Flexing of the metal element triggers recrystallisation of the solute producing an exothermic reaction, the output of heat warming the glove. A viewing window 38 allows the user to see the state of the salt solution.; To re-liquefy the contents of the heater, it is immersed in a container of water which is then brought to the boil. After about ten minutes the glove is ready or re-use.
Financial informationThe patent for the gloves have been developed and sold worldwide for the last four years. The main market is sporting activities and cycling where we have sold in the UK, US, most of Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Russia.
The company won the LloydsTSB best Enterprise award, The Guardian Best Start-Up Award and wasa finalist in the Exportfor Growth award.
I have taken it as far as I can with my limited knowledge of business and would love to see the gloves achieve their full potential.
If you are interested in purchasing the company name, logo etc to use with the gloves then that may be possible.

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