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[Viewed 1285 times]
(57) Abstract :
The present subject matter relates to a reed switch based wheel speed sensor for two wheelers. The said reed switch based wheel speed
sensor mainly includes a reed switch sensor assembly held by a bracket welded on a front suspension of the two wheeler and a magnet
assembly fitted on one of the holes provided on a brake disc mounted on a side surface of the front wheel of the two wheeler in an
integrally rotatable manner in a way that the magnet assembly always faces the reed switch sensor assembly during each rotation of
the brake disc. The reed switch sensor assembly is structured with a hermetically sealed reed switch encompassed inside a collar
structured within a plastic threaded barrel. The reed switch sensor assembly also includes a jumper wire attached to one end of the
hermetically sealed reed switch for electrically connecting the reed switch to a vehicle information display instrument via a wire
harness. Operationally, the reed switch sensor assembly sense the number of rotation of the wheel to accordingly generate pulse
signals that is subsequently conveyed to a microcontroller programmed to display the generated pulse signals in terms of revolution
per minute (rpm) on a a liquid crystal display (LCD) screen or a thin film transistor (TFT) screen in a vehicle information display
instrument of the two wheeler. The subject matter explains that the magnet assembly, comprises of a magnet caulked in a magnet
holder wherein the magnet holder is fastened on the brake disc by a circlip.
No. of Pages : 10 No. of Claims : 10
Patent publications:No publication
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