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a preventing drunken-driving steering wheel
[Category : - Automotive Accessories ]
[Viewed 1305 times]
this patent is belongs to automotive field, it offers a built in preventing drink driving system to protect driver and passengers, other cars, and help policeman not so tired of control traffic safety,driver will have to pass alcohol test before start the car,he can't start the car if he did not pass the test. however, as the car to be the tool for evacuation, if driver meet danger or other emergency condition, he has a alter switch system- emergency system to drive, but limit speed about 50km/h, or other relatively more safe speed, double flash will be turned on in compulsion,this is notice for others. this system is located in the middle area of steering wheel, where very convenient for driver to switch from one system to another, and switch bolt link with key, when driver turn off the key, the switch bolt will be move back to normal position where belongs to normal system if driver had moved the bolt to emergency system, very convenient. as new driver, he can use emergency system to enjoy slow driving, more safety, with notice have displayed, others also will be in safer condition. this whole system will let passenger know about driver whether he have drunk or not, present all cars don't have such system.
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