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[Category : - OTHER- CHEMISTRY]
[Viewed 2716 times]
The invention relates to a process for producing objects from irradiation cross-linked polyamide, comprising the following method steps according to their chronological order: a) irradiation cross-linking of a polyamide raw material in solid form; b) shaping the irradiation cross-linked polyamide raw material to form an end product.
Financial informationOwners’Capital offers an IP Bundle in the field of material radiation including patents, trade mark & the entire R&D knowledge.
The patents have potential for the future.
Patent Publications
• Nano-composite
process to improve the material with nano-composites
• Ethylen Poylmer
process to improve polyethylene material by radiation process
• Polyamid
process to improve polyamid material by radiation process
• Bulk material process
intralogistic for bulk material with improvement of the production capacity
• Plastic pipe
improve characteristics of plastic pipe with new material
• European Trade Mark POLYPREX®
• Know how, research and development of over 5 years: Studies, plannings, testings, technical data, over 2000 documents, market potential for licensing, contacts and internal research information with companies like:
• BASF SE, Germany
• E-Beam Service Inc., United States of America
• Gammatron (Pty) Ltd., South Africa
• Gerodur MPM Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
• Ion Beam Applications SA, Belgium
• National Petrochemical Company - Amir Kabir Petrochemical Company, Islamic Republic of Iran
• Sterigenics International LLC., United States of America
• Etc.
Description of all innovations with one big picture: The base of the innovation is the modification by radiation of polymere resin and improve plastic material.
Owners’Capital Ltd. is an advisory company and is focused on the needs of entrepreneurs for strategic advisory, corporate finance and bilateral M&A transactions in the field of innovation and technology.
The current asset generation of these patents is far higher than the selling price, which is relatively low announced.
Worth fare more than 500.000€.
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