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Cyclomagnetic Therapy
[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 1376 times]
The patent is for a device for use in Cyclomagnetic Therapy. A new therapy that was created using a cyclomagnet that reduces overall stress and pain in muscles, back, neck in minutes of using it in the area. It reduces inflammation in seconds (hard to believe but it works as advertised).
Description: CycloMagnetic therapy device is a high frequency, positive field, turbo-charged massaging tool, which can reduce pain, inflammation and stress in the shoulder/neck areas (as one application) in minutes based upon results. It works better than a laser type device with no eye protection needed. Works thru clothes and is very portable. The battery charge was designed to last over an hour.
This relationship and use of this patented device could potentially increase a company’s’ therapy applications tremendously.
The target consumer in the use of this device will be the high-end user, including, but not limited to, sports medicine professionals, chiropractors, pain management professionals, massage therapists, and the general public.
Price per unit sold is estimated at around $500. I believe that the consumer (chiropractor, massage therapist, pain therapist) will have one of these devices in ever treatment room sitting in its docking station waiting to be used on their clients.
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