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Disposable Protective Toilet Seat Cover

[Category : - HUMAN NECESSITIES- HEALTH- Bathroom]
[Viewed 3457 times]

Disposable Protective Toilet Seat Cover is innovative, new generation water-soluble plastic toilet seat cover. Unlike the old fashion flimsy, leaky paper seat cover, the Disposable Protective Toilet Seat Cover is strong, moisture proof, stick-in-place and flushable plastic seat cover.
The most unique feature of my product design is the combination of materials, which form a new generation of toilet seat cover. In brief, the Disposable Protective Toilet Seat Cover is comprised of cold water-soluble plastic film and toilet paper tissue. The plastic film reinforces the toilet paper against tearing, while the paper protects the water-soluble plastic film from damage by direct contact with liquid or soil. Layered together they create a moister proof barrier between the toilet seat and the user. My new amalgamated design has many advantages over ordinary paper covers. It’s strong, moisture proof, perforation-free, self-adhesive for stable placement on the seat and--best of all—it’s completely flushable!
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