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GAMECHANGER - A self-defense weapon concealed in your sleeve

[Category : - HEALTH- Life-saving; Fire-fighting- Fitness]
[Viewed 1910 times]

The pending patent identifies the product as "ARM SLEEVE WITH RETRACTABLE ELBOW SPIKE", but I prefer GameChanger.

The GameChanger is a retractable spike worn under the sleeve that is activated with the press of a pair of buttons. The idea arose when I considered that fact that anyone who finds themselves on the receiving end of a choke-hold has little or no recourse.
The GameChanger not only enables you to escape from a choke-hold, it allows you to take control. Also fitted within the wrist end of a sleeve is a small throwing knife, for fending off any attacker not already subdued by the spike.

Hopefully no one would ever NEED to use the GameChanger, but for weapons collectors, it's a must-have.

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