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Portable Power Bank with (20+) applications + Solar (optional)
[Viewed 2191 times]
My invention makes life easier in every possible way it can.
It can charge a laptop.It can charges 5 to 10 mobile phones simultaneously.It can charge your car batteries and it can itself get charged by a 12V car battery.It can run mixers, drill machines, your wifi routers, modems, printers , digital tv-receivers , dvd player, mosquito racket, trimmers, CFL, LED bulbs, incandescent bulbs, silicon gun,LCD TV/monitors etc.
It can power up a 32 inches LCD TV or an LCD Monitor for around 8hrs ~ 10hrs and this timing will decrease with the increase in the size which is directly proportional to the power consumed.
No existing technology provides so many applications through a single portable device.Existing technologies don't have the ability to hold their charge for 90 days approximately when not in use.Another different feature of this device is that it can be charged by a 12 V car battery, home socket charging and charging by a solar panel.
Its weight is 1.954kgs and it is smaller than an A4 size sheet.
It is smaller and lighter than a 15.6 inches laptop ,hence the portability.
So these are the things that make it useful ,unique and interesting.
I will upload the patent application no. once the filing is complete and it is published.
Patent publications:No publication
Asking price:
17,000 USD
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