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[Category : - PET PRODUCTS]
[Viewed 2943 times]
The animal drinking assembly provides a contined source of fresh, clean water for rodents and small animals. No more leaking plastic water bottles. No more water soaked bedding or cages. No more sick animals due to unhealthy conditions from leaking water bottles. This unit is a self contained water circulation system that provides clean, fres, and filtered water to precious pets around the world.
Financial informationI am looking for a manufacturer willing to license the product with payment of royalties to the patent holder. This is a never before manufacturerd product that has never been marketed or sold. There are 5.0 million households that own small animals in the US. 2011-2012 APPA National Pet Owners Survey. There are 16.0 million small animals owned in the US according to AAPA 2011-2012 National Pet Owners Survey.
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