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Rattle and Squeak detection system
[Category : - OTHER]
[Viewed 1404 times]
The Rattle Tracker is used to find Rattles and Squeaks in a stationary vehicle. This is accomplished by driving one tire onto the Rattle Tracker, tuning on the RT which will make the vehicle shake, duplicating the bump or pot hole that is creating the Rattle or Squeak, The Rattle Tracker eliminates the need for a test drive, this saves both time and money. Many Dealership own a device called the Chassis Ears which amount to 4-6 microphones that attach to the suspect area of the vehicle that the noise is coming from, the problem with this technology is the need for a test drive: in which it is hard to drive and also manage the Chassis Ears module, the Chassis Ears only exposes the noise: but you still can't zero in on the problem causing the noise.
With the Rattle Tracker with the noise is present you can walk around the vehicle and touch the component making the noise
Financial informationWe are interested in selling our patent or licensing the Rattle Tracker to a company that can produce it and sell it. We have the web address
Link The Rattle Tracker is trademarked
Patent publications:No publication
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