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Web based Mobile Phones contact list (Phone Book backup system)
[Category : - SOFTWARES]
[Viewed 1633 times]
This App will allow mobile phones to connect to a Backend and upload all the phone book (All contacts an end user has in his or her mobile phone). This will be the backup to that particular user and the application should allow an end user to connect thought it to a back-end and download the phone book in case he or she has flashed his or her mobile phone and this application should be compatible with all mobile phones currently available in the market and should also have a room for expansion for future mobile phones. (The App should have drivers for all phones in order to be user-friendly to any mobile phone). With this kind of technology we can never loss our contacts. The App should allow and end user to update his/her contact by connecting to the back-end to existing contacts without typing anything is should be automatically and have an update.
Patent publications:No publication
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