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Dog Waste collection device
[Category : - PET PRODUCTS]
[Viewed 4163 times]
The Doggy Dun It® Poop Pickup Scoop, a unique dog waste scoop that provides no fuss, no mess poop collection for the pet owner. Key features/benefits include: One-handed operation with no stooping; Collects multiple piles of poop in a tie-handle biodegradable bag; No waste contact with human hand; Bag is easily attached and removed for disposal; Extra bags carried in an on-board bag dispenser; Picks up poop from grass, flower beds, dirt, concrete/asphalt; Made of durable high-density polyethylene plastic; Will not rust.
The original design was modified to incorporate a middle "strut" to limit the open travel distance of the pickup scoop and add an on-board carrier for an extra roll of pickup bags.
Included with the patent sale is injection mold tooling and components for assembling approximately 1,000 waste scoops.
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