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Charger Inverter Generator System (CIGS)
[Viewed 1700 times]
The Charger Inverter Generator System (CIGS) is a patent pending creation of Minnesota inventor John Luger that provides a system for powering a direct current (DC) load while in parallel charging a battery that can be used to prolong total battery life and motor usage.
The invention consists of multiple batteries that power a motor which in turn also is powering a generator and battery charger such that when 1st battery is in use the 2nd battery is being charged simultaneously. Once 1st battery becomes depleted the user can switch over to 2nd battery that is fully charged.
In the prototype created by John Luger, the total battery life and motor usage is extended by 43 % (from 36 mins to 51.4 mins) as a result of the CIGS configuration.
The CIGS invention is currently in working prototype stage of its life cycle. Inventor John Luger has intentions to introduce this invention to companies that have the research and development capabilities to expand the developments and make use of the concept in electronic and battery usage products on the market today. Mr. Luger ultimately seeks to license or permanently assign the rights to this invention to a company expressing interest.
Attached Herein provides an introduction to the patent language, claims and drawing. In addition images of the working prototype will provide an overview to the invention and the enabling components.
Patent publications:No publication
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