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ranking searches on social networks based on degree of proximity
[Category : - Ordering and selling methods]
[Viewed 2180 times]
Methods for ranking search queries and assigning scores to a list of peers on social networks platforms that satisfy such query based on the degree of proximity (or social affinity) between connected users such as on Facebook, LinkedIn, Uber, TripAdvisor
Financial informationAt the occasion of Google first Android Developer Contest in 2008, Magic Network developed “Hooked” - a smartphone application leveraging social networks platforms to rank search queries and assign scores to such searches based on the degree of proximity (or social affinity) between connected users (such as on Facebook, LinkedIn, Uber, TripAdvisor, among others).
The Hooked application submitted for the Google Android contest was for a cab ordering service combining user data location and peer profiles with a query for transportation (by cab or car sharing).
Magic Network was granted US patent US20090259657 for its Hooked development. Our patent is for sale.
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