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Multiple valve drain and pipe-cleaning device

[Category : - OTHER- Cleaning devices- Heating & Cooling]
[Viewed 2405 times]

Dual valve and tri-valve drain and pipe-cleaning devices which are characterized by a length of pipe having one or two valves such as gate valves and a nipple extending from the pipe and fitted with a third valve for receiving a flush hose or the outlet nozzle of a compressed air cylinder. When the cleaning device is inserted in the drain line beneath a sink or drain system, the valves can be manipulated to flush the drain line, including the main drain line extending from the sink or drain, by the introduction of water under pressure or compressed air, as desired. Clearing of the drain line(s) downstream of the cleaning device is typically effected using the dual valve system, while flushing of the downstream drain line as well as that portion of the drain extending from the sink or drain system area to the device, is achieved using the tri-valve device.

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