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Deep Fryer Oil Filter Basket
[Category : - Cooking]
[Viewed 1296 times]
Best-practice recommendations call for filtering the oil in your commercial fryer once a day, twice if your fryer gets used non-stop during business hours. Many operators don’t see the value in filtering their oil this often, but ignoring the process can ruin the taste and texture of your food and cost you more on fryer oil and utility bills. In the worst cases, dirty oil can cause your fryer to break down or even create a grease fire.
The most expensive part of operating a restaurant fryer isn’t buying the unit or paying for the utilities to run it; it’s the recurring cost of fryer oil. Oil that doesn’t get filtered will break down thanks to the presence of food particles, fatty acids, and ice crystals from frozen foods, causing it to become dark and foul smelling. It will also thicken, making the fryer less efficient. The compromised oil will need to be replaced more often than oil that gets filtered regularly, and in the meantime it will result in a substandard product.
My simple and easy to produce Deep Fryer Oil Filter Basket is designed to keep your oil free and clear of crumbs and particles of food that are left in your fryer (batter, breading, even proteins; due to the precise measurements and heavy mesh design
The results are simple, your foods will taste better, they are much healthier to eat and you significantly prolong the life of your oil thus saving you huge money.
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