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The Endless Book

[Category : - SOFTWARES- OTHER- Educational]
[Viewed 1984 times]

The idea is about an electronic platform that can be accessed online by web, mobile or any other application to create and develop any context mainly a book. It is planned that any and every user throughout the world can have an impact during the creation process.Here is a brief presentation of the idea.

The Endless Book
The Endless book is a book which has no ending, a book that you can be it's reader as well as it's writer. As a reader you can have impact on the story by rating writers' opinions and as a writer, if highly ranked by readers, your suggestion will be how the story will continue, and afterwards you'll be known as one of the writers with all the copyrights and benefits.You can do anything you have talent for, besides writing, like graphics design or painting its illustrations, and when highly ranked by readers, you will have your legal share of the book. If you have a nice voice, you can make all or part of its audio book and earn a sharing. As a director or producer you can choose any part or chapter you are interested in to create a screenplay or long/short movie or any media you feel more suitable. As a software engineer or code developer you can create games or video games and find your desired sharing.
This Book has no limits in innovation and no boundaries for its end. A book everyone can earn his share. Maybe it can be said that this is the most creative piece of art in human history with no time and place belonging, and a long rolling business which will benefit its shareholders for decades.Wherever you live, you can easily have impact on the storyline and benefit from your share.
You have the right to choose your favorite book's storyline.

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Page created at 2025-02-14 10:32:33, Patent Auction Time.