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[Category : - OTHER]
[Viewed 1937 times]
The intellectual property sale consists of the following two items:
1) Patent application titled "Data logger and sentinel platform for sensor network", with the following patent application numbers: SG2014008544, PCT/SG2014/000004.
2) BioMachines Singapore Trademark, with the trademark number: T1410265D
For full description of patent application, please refer to the application number: PCT/SG2014/000004
Patent description:
A data logger that comprises a central processing unit for signal processing, a memory device connected to the central processing unit for storing the data, an electronic circuit connected to both the central processing unit and the memory device, and a power supply further connected to the electronic circuit for providing electricity to the data logger. The electronic circuit comprises an universal interface for connecting different types of sensors via various communication modes. A Sentinel Platform comprises the data logger, a base station having a microcontroller connected to the data logger for data processing, and a data storage device connected to the data logger, the microcontroller or both for data storage.
If you are interested to purchase this intellectual property, you may only place your bid via the following link (
The bid for the sale will end on 29 December 2015.
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