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System to prevent drunken driving

[Category : - ELECTRONICS- HEALTH- Life-saving; Fire-fighting]
[Viewed 3180 times]

This system is for people who if sober would never drink and drive but after a few drinks decide otherwise. It's for people who don't want to drink and drive. Some people don't care and will drive anyway but when you see some of the tragic accidents people have where innocent people are hurt or even killed by drink drivers it can make you stop and think.
Some repeat offenders get a court order to have what's called an interlock device installed in the ignition of their car whereby they have to breathe into it and have no alcohol in their breath before the vehicle will start.
What if it didn't have to come to this?
For people who care about their actions when under the influence of alcohol but sometimes drink a little too much and make the wrong decision, this system would help a great deal.
If their key is in this device and they produce a negative result they could get home another way and return for their car when they're sober. And have no regrets.

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