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Lid weight for a trash receptacle "The Lid Rite"

[Category : - DESIGN PATENTS- Camping and Outdoors - Lawn and Garden]
[Viewed 6327 times]

My product, the "Lid Rite," is a weight attached to a movable lid of a garbage can. While particularly effective with hinged lid cans, the lid weight may be used with any garbage can configuration. When the "Lid Rite" is attached properly with hinged lid cans, the product is designed to hold the lid down up to a 70 mile an hour wind. When used with removable lid cans, pairs of weights are desirable. One attachment of the "Lid Rite" is suspended from the lid by a resilient nylon strap. The downward pressure exerted on the garbage can lid by the attached weight effectively secures the can lid to the can body. The weight effectively lowers the center of gravity of the garbage can, therefore providing resistance to lateral forces such as those exerted by a crosswind. This will hold down an over stuffed trash can too. On the return of your can, this device will also act as a counter weight and will bring the lid closed to keep your can standing upright alongside the curb. This will also keep the inside of the can dry after pickup. The novel weight system is readily attachable to any trash, refuse, garbage, or similar container. It is easy to manufacture with a cost-effective design. The design can be created into themes such as printable sports team logos.

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My invention has not been previously marketed. This product could benefit anyone who uses homeowner trash bins. At the time I had this idea there was nothing on the market to fix my trash can getting knocked over by a heavy wind if the can wasn't completely full, for example. I would put my trash can out the night before and it would be toppled over because of such conditions. This meant if my trash or recycle bin was full or even half full and laying on its side I had to take time out of my morning to clean up the mess and risk possibly making me late for work or the trash not getting picked up at all. My product would not be a hassle for the operator of the garbage truck. There would be no undoing of straps or locking mechanisms to unlock the lid. I believe this would be an inexpensive product for the consumer and save time for anybody who has had the same problem. The picture below is my first prototype and a sketch drawing. Looking to sell my patent and all of its rights. My offering price is negotiable. Attention Waste Management...Let's Talk Trash!

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