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Model Rocket Power Delivery System Minimizes Misfires!

[Viewed 3491 times]

Market Need

Model rocket enthusiasts have a limited number of low and medium model rocket delivery systems to choose from. Cardinal Light?s Astroblaster provides a model rocket power delivery system that achieves highly successful launches at a reasonable cost. With Cardinal Light?s Astroblaster you can be sure of a successful launch as compared with the small 9 volt transistor battery configuration where misfires are common place.

Product Description
The Astroblaster TM is a model rocket powered delivery system for the novice and more experienced model rocket enthusiast.

The AstroblasterTM delivers a huge amount of power to the Estes style igniter ensuring a successful launch without the misfires of more inferior model rocket power delivery systems. There is nothing more frustating than a model rocket misfire. With AstrobasterTM, successive model rocket launches can be achieved!

The Astroblaster consists of a 6 volt or 12 volt rechargeable battery with a keyed switch that powers a large LED light indicator notifying the operator that the system is ARMED. A large green momentary switch delivers power to the igniter through a power cord LAUNCHING the Low power model rockets or medium power model rockets.

This invention could very well change the model rocket power delivery market. The 9 volt battery system is inferior and is
susceptible to misfires. A rechargeable battery system with protection circuitry that is in the patent claims is essential and protects the invention from any other company who tries to use these type circuitry.

Power Delivery Options:
Current Voltage Power to Igniter Battery Type

8 amps 6 volts 48 watts Gel Cell
4 amps 12 volts 48 watts Gel Cell
8 amps 12 volts 96 watts Gel Cell

Safety Features:

* Short Circuit Protection at the Power Delivery Output Ports
* Battery Charger Reverse Polarity Protection
* Separate Battery Compartment within Astroblaster?s Enclosure
* Maintenance Free 6 volt or 12 volt Gel Cell Battery
* Gel Cell Battery will not leak!
* Gel Cell has a High Impact Resistant Battery Case
* Long power cable provides for a safe launch
* Keyed Switch used to ARM the Power Delivery

I am asking for 6% of the total cost of each unit in a licensing agreement.

This is a provisional patent that must be converted to a U.S. patent. The United States Patent and Trade Mark Office Provisional Patent Description can be found at Link . You will be purchasing the provisional patent material abstract that I sent to the United States Patent Office with 10 claims, the United States Patent and Trademark Office Receipt and Confirmation Documentation, Electrical Drawings , and the Prototype seen in the picture. The rights to the provisional patent " A Model Rocket Delivery Apparatus" will be signed over to buyer. With this provisional patent the device becomes patent pending. You will then convert it to a U.S. patent. With a U.S. patent you could license this model rocket power delivery system to as many hobby shops within the United States as you desire. Additionally, you could sell this unit on the internet to everyone around the world. This is a tremendous opportunity! I have had inquiries from hobby shops that would be interested in a licensing agreement.

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