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Infant Reminder - No more forgotten children in vehicles!

[Category : - SOFTWARES- Life-saving; Fire-fighting- Security and alarms]
[Viewed 2356 times]

Infant Reminder - No more forgotten children in vehicles !rnBrief description of project:rnPerhaps the haste, perhaps the thoughts that afflict every adult , have distracted thousands of parents around the world , causing terrible tragedies and the death of the forgotten children in vehicles. Made in Messina, Infant Reminder is the first app in the world for smartphones and tablets , totally free of charge and usable worldwide , able to ward off the danger of forgetting children in vehicles. Download it from official website Link or from App Store or Google Play. The app that there was not, now is there. Simple, fast , intuitive , universal, efficient, effective, safe, free, customizable, sustainable, multimedia, multilingual, made in italy ... All this is Infant Reminder - No more forgotten children in vehicles ! rnStage of developmentrnAdopted at the international levelrnFeatures and key benefits:rnWarding off the danger of forgetting the children in vehicles. How does Infant Reminder work? Before starting the route, the user launches the application and enter a destination address, either manually or withdrawing it from the favorite destinations, previously saved.rnAs soon as you start browsing, the user will be alerted automatically and periodically with audible and visual alarms, both during the journey, both in proximity to arrival, if the application, after the message indicating the arrival at destination, still remains in active navigation for a period of time greater than 10 minutes, a sign of probable forgetfulness and deconcentration. rnThe application allows, also, to send SMS or email messages, respectively, to a phone number or an email address, previously stored. rnTo do this, just reached the percentage of planned trip, the windows will automatically appear, accompanied by audible and visual alarms. rnThe messages will offer the user the choice of:rn1. postpone the reminder after 5 minutesrn2. send a text message or an emailrn3. close the windows.rnAn additional alarm, not configurable, will popup when the vehicle is close to destination. rnThe configuration settings, activable only after stopping navigation, optionally allow for:rn1. Enable or disable the initial warningrn2. Enable or disable the audible and / or visual alarmrn3. Set up to three percent of the trip to the attainment of which receive the alarmsrn4. Store a phone number to which send an SMSrn5. Save an email address that will receive an e-mail messagern6. Select the ringtone for the alarm sound.rn rnSummaryrnInfant Reminder is the first app in the world, for smartphones and tablets, totally free and usable worldwide, able to ward off the danger of forgetting the children in vehicles.rnPerhaps the haste, perhaps the thoughts that afflict every adult, have distracted thousands of parents around the world causing terrible tragedies and the dripping of the children forgotten in vehicles. In the U.S. this type of accident causes an average of 38 deaths per year, nearly all of the spring, summer and early autumn, and in most cases they are children less than two years, forgotten in vehicles by healthy and "normal" parents usually careful and considerate, victims of an occasional distraction. The Washington Post reported a few stories and then some conversations with parents of children who have died in recent years, and neurophysiologists and experts of memory, from which it emerged that the fatal distraction is often linked to a series of coincidences and factors very similar in all cases (fatigue, lack of sleep, small changes in daily routine). There is not a profile-type of the parent who forgets his son in the car: it happens to people usually distracted maniacs as well as to the organization and "everything under control", a highly educated people and people with low levels of education.rnHow does it usually happen?rnEvery time the incident is repeated in a series of events very similar: a parent particularly tired, stressed or agitated for some unexpected change in daily routine, forget to leave the child somewhere (usually nursery) and continues day as if he had. Then, after a few or many hours, but always too late, there comes a time when some signal to the parent remembers the irreparable carelessness, usually a phone of your spouse or anything that evoke the thought of his son.rnFollows a desperate race to the car parked in the sun, and the tragic discovery.rnBut there are also cases of parents who come back in the car and, without noticing the body on the rear seat, he does not realize what happened until they return at the kindergarten to take child who never left there.rnThe temperature inside a car in the sun, due to the transparent glass and the internal parts subject to rapid overheating (dashboard, seats, steering wheel), can go up to 10 or 15 ° C every quarter hour, until reaching the 50 ° C with an outside temperature of only 25 ° C.rnMoreover, the body temperature of a baby increase faster than that of an adult, due to the lower surface of the body and the smaller amount of water reserves: given these conditions, the hyperthermia in a forgotten child in the car may occur also in 20 minutes and death within 2 hours. rn rnSummary of the reasons that have led to the development of new product or servicernI am first and foremost a dad, careful to the dangers to which a child can be exposed. For this reason, me, Giuseppe Ferrito , craft father and second president of a company that deals with renewable energy , as well as a developer of applications for mobile phones, I decided to roll up my sleeves and put my skills to the service of others. My idea is born from hearing tv news about tragic news, that more and more frequently talks about forgotten children in the car by parents too busy with everyday stress. I call it a " social app ", and indeed my "Infant Reminder " is.rnAvailable for all mobile phones on the market , easy to use and completely free , created with the sole purpose of helping others. From parent to parent , such as a council of those moms who share the park with their children on the first colds to deal with. "It works through GPS, and periodically launches the alarm on your phone to alert you that the baby is still in the car ." "The parent should only have the foresight to launch the application before leaving the house, as it would with the weather or with daily news and enter the address of the destination ." Without this, the application starts up and every few time reminds the owner of the phone that the baby is still sitting in the back seat of the car, until the arrival at the destination. But not only ten minutes after the application is closed, when it 's dad or mom are engaged in their work, comes another alarm " anti- addiction " . To avoid listening to the sounds emitted by the phone during the drive to become normal and undermine the goal of the app. I hope to have thought of everything , for the safety of our children , so that they can continue to laugh happy on their seats.rnDetails of the innovative elements that distinguish this product or service from others already on the market:rn The innovative elements of the product compared to the other child reminders are:rn1 ) Universal , not physically linked to the car seat . Can also be used by schoolbus drivers regardless of the number of seats and occupantsrn2 ) Totally free for users because it does not derive from lines of industrial physical production.rn3 ) Multilingual. At the moment in italian and English languagesrn4) No cables, batteries, wireless or electromagnetic sensors or external accessories that are potentially dangerous because in very close contact with the child or that may affect the conformity of the car seat or restraint systems.rn5 ) No restriction of production, no need safety stocks or period of fulfillment. The app is always unlimited downloadable from the Apple store and Google play.rn6) Simple and fast Internet updatingrn7) It does not require calibration, periodic review or wiring of the vehicles.rn8) No risk of recalls for manufacturing defects.rnDescription of the environmental benefits of the product/service, compared to alternative products, with particular reference to energy and raw materials, waste generation, emissions in air, water and earth.rnThe environmental benefits of the product compared to those of other child minders are as follows:rn1) Absence of any material in products potentially subject to wear, atrophy, overheat, damages, disposal, toxic emissions, noise.rn2) No restriction about production, stocks of safety, waiting times for fulfillment. The app is always unlimited downloadable from the Apple store and Android.rn3) Sustainable because it aimed at achieving the objectives of environmental improvement, economic, social and institutional , both locally and globally.rn4) No generation of waste, emissions to air, water and soilrn5) Lack of physical supply chain of industrial or handicraft production since this is an immaterial software.rn6) Does not require any disposal.rn7) Do not require any additional power source than that of the mobile device.rn8) Do not require any physical maintenancernIndicate the expected impact of the new product/service on the financial results of the globalization of the organization:rnThe product is totally free for all users in the world. The financial return of the organization, which will implement, over time , new security features for children, is considered in the medium and long term in the face of an advertising campaign using banner advertisements with " Cost per click " and "Cost per impression", inserted within the application and aimed at companies that want to advertise their products and/or services worldwide. rnWhat consumer needs the new product/service meets, also in terms of social benefits?rnInfant Reminder is the first free app in the world for smartphones and tablets, usable worldwide, able to ward off the danger of forgetting children in vehicles. It works by using the GPS, and periodically launches the alarm on your phone to alert you that the baby is still in the car. The parent must only have the foresight to launch the application before leaving the house, as it would with the weather or with daily news and enter the address of the destination. After that, the application starts up and every few time reminds the owner of the phone that the baby is still sitting in the back seat of the car, until the arrival at the destination. But not only that, ten minutes after the application is closed, when dad or mom are engaged in their work, comes another "anti-addiction" alarm to avoid listening to the sounds emitted by the phone during the drive to become normal and undermine the goal of the app.rn

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