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[Category : - CHEMISTRY- Food- HEALTH]
[Viewed 3355 times]

An anticounterfeit packaging foil to prevent the sale of counterfeit products and to provide non-invasive detection of the authenticity of the goods by providing covert measures which are not applied but are inbuilt, in a manner that the reproduction of same foil is difficult or impossible. The present foil is prepared by forming cathode and anode from an aluminum foil followed by subjecting the anode to etching and exposing it to get anodized in acidic bath of sulphuric acid to form a thin porous layer of aluminum oxide having nanopores over the foil, which is then immersed in solution A which is further subjected to sealing in order to seal the nanopores and form a thin coat over the foil. The authentication of goods can be ensured upon detection of presence of fluorescence and selenium in the proposed anticounterfeit foil.

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