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Nano-bubbles from carbon pipes
[Category : - HEALTH- PET PRODUCTS- Pneumatic Accessories]
[Viewed 3886 times]
This invention is a real one, not just an idea written on a paper. We have commercialized it and currently we manufacture products based on this technology in Poland.
The current "incarnation" of this technology is pet products, however the technology alone can be used in water cleansing/treatment, pharmacological industry (dispersing substances, e.g. during antibiotic production), bubble walls, etc.
In short -- the tinner the bubble, the better it dissolves (i.e. the better it saturates) in water (or other liquids).
We have discovered the secret of dispersing gas into tiny bubbles -- we use charcoal as a dispersing medium. However, charcoal in our invention is different from other, similar, diffusers in that it is a mono-block of charcoal, with preserved parallel pipe structure. Others typically use minced and pressed charoal with addition of various glues.
This invention is patented in the US and is patent pending in Europe and Japan.
Please see a short film showing an aquarium aeration diffuser:
Also, please check out our web page (in Polish only), to see products based on this technology (esp. scroll down to the bottom of the page)
The subject of the invention is a diffuser for saturation of water with gas, comprising a diffusion element (1) for diffusing the gas run through the diffuser, wherein the diffusion element (1) is made of charcoal. The invention also refers to a set for saturating water with gas, as well as a method for saturation of water with gas, and the use of charcoal as a diffusion element.
in case of questions, please contact us at: [Use the button below to contact me]
Financial informationWe are looking for an opportunity to implement this technology in the US. We are ready to consider a very wide variety of options, e.g.
- sell the patent
- license
- join forces to create new products based on this technology, manufacture them in Poland and deliver to the US
- create a joint-venture and manufacture in the US
Currently, we sell several hundred of aquarium diffusers in Poland, Japan and China monthly. We also see some interest from US pet product stores (no deal has yet happened).
We have more pet-related patents covering other markets. Please see our website for more details.
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