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Hurricane Proof Housing - Emergency structure restraint system
[Viewed 3495 times]
This patent was originally filed in 2009 in response for the lack of any working systems on the market to secure houses in hurricane ridden areas from serious damage. Rigorous product development and testing was undertaken in the past years, including studies completed by Space Alliance Technology Outreach Program (SATOP) as a proof of concept.
By using the emergency restraint system on residential housing, house construction costs decrease by 50% and simultaneously decrease annual insurance premiums by the price of one system. This is a true innovation with the capability of transforming construction methods in hurricane areas.
The owners have since moved on to other ventures and wish to pass this invention over to an entity that will take the product to market. USD350.000 have been used on product development to date, hence we are seeking either to recoup our expenditure in a one-time lump sum payment, or 50% thereof coupled with a royalty-based license agreement.
Financial informationThis patent was originally filed in 2009 in response for the lack of any working systems on the market to secure houses in hurricane ridden areas from serious damage. Rigorous product development and testing was undertaken in the past years, including studies completed by Space Alliance Technology Outreach Program (SATOP) as a proof of concept.
By using the emergency restraint system on residential housing, house construction costs decrease by 50% and simultaneously decrease annual insurance premiums by the price of one system. This is a true innovation with the capability of transforming construction methods in hurricane areas.
The owners have since moved on to other ventures and wish to pass this invention over to an entity that will take the product to market. USD350.000 have been used on product development to date, hence we are seeking either to recoup our expenditure in a one-time lump sum payment, or 50% thereof coupled with a royalty-based license agreement.

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