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ELLAROSE(Oracle Database Performance Analysis)

[Category : - SOFTWARES]
[Viewed 1854 times]

ELLAROSE software analyses the performance of Oracle database applications to speed overall execution, locates areas of code where applications spend their time so that these can be streamlined, and aids investigation into performance issues. ELLAROSE extracts its performance information directly from the Oracle database, so that the database administrator can use it to identify issues and tune the database. The software also provides several different database browsers (object, storage, and security) that provide the administrator with information about specific areas. Supplying the database administrator with a competent tool for performance analysis is the primary purpose of ELLAROSE.

Financial information

ELLAROSE is available for sale in its entirety. This includes all intellectual property of the product. The product is commercial grade and currently in global wide spread use.

Sale Price 500,000 AUD$

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