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[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 1700 times]

An inhalation device utilizing a controlled oxygen concentration selected which entrains air to modify a source gas, such as pure oxygen at 100% down to different selected levels of lower oxygen concentrations with a high total gas flow being achieved for inhalation without being perpendicular to the breathing orifices and allowing eating and suctioning without interference thus maintaining a constant uninterrupted oxygenation supply during eating and or suctioning is provided, which is adapted for disposal adjacent a nose and a mouth of a subject, including a nose hood connected to a chamber. The chamber has a central portion defining a longitudinal axis oriented perpendicular to the nose hood. A mixing section delivers fluid to a first end portion of the chamber in a fluid flow path configured to travel in a direction along the longitudinal axis and exit from a second end portion, coaxial with the first end portion. The central portion defines an opening aligned with and facing the nose in a configuration such that the fluid is inhalable from the central portion to the nose without direct impact by said fluid to the breathing orifices.

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This new patent medical respiratory device will replace all existing Venturi masks with guaranteed high and fixed low end concentration of oxygen set by user patient. Such that any individual using said present invention will be protected from both hypoxic [low blood oxygen levels] and hyperoxic [elevated oxygen blood levels] both events has been found and clinically proven to interfere and have known to cause tragic results in the C.O.P.D. and Empyhsematous patient populations. This present medical respiratory invention allows eating and suctioning while receiving continuous oxygen therapy without the current need to remove this mask, as seen and deleteriously effecting patients on constant oxygen therapy. Also eliminates the prior art Venturi Masks failed jet via stalls common in prior art Venturi masks.
This invention reduces the humidity losses seen in current Venturi masks. The present invention secures comfortable fresh gas flow mixing without headaches and mucosal drying, which commonly leads to bleeding in the upper respiratory tract
A. Looking for outright purchase.
B. And or the sale of a license with royalties over years.

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