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Sports Glove Rapid Removal System (Inventors will negotiate.)
[Category : - Wearing apparel- Fitness]
[Viewed 2603 times]
A sports glove rapid removal system wherein all five adjacent finger sheaths are encircled by independent loops of the size and location to be convenient for four fingers of the opposite hand to grasp and to pull to remove the glove. The system is designed to apply removal force comprehensively to the glove rather than to individual parts of the glove. Specifically, the pulling force exerted by the four fingers of the opposite hand is directed by the loop system to the entire body of the glove, rather than just the finger sheaths, resulting in the force being distributed as necessary to ease removal of the glove. A particular characteristic of the system is its utilization of four removal loops simultaneously, including the thumb and index finger loop, to align the thumb with the other fingers, and thereby reduce the gathering of glove fabric that can cause resistance at the thumb and other finger joints.
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