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Multiple Incubator Monitoring and Alarm System
[Category : - HEALTH- Security and alarms]
[Viewed 1803 times]
Proposed Patent reports measurement of various physical parameters like Temperature, Humidity of incubator, Pressure inside the incubator, contents of hazardous gases in it and body temperature of baby, continuously by sensing all the data with the help of corresponding sensors. After sensing this data, it is amplified, digitized, processed and then serially transmitted, using RS232 communication protocol to the control room in the hospital which is then received by the Receiver. This received data is then displayed on doctor‟s/receptionist's computer and also permanently stored on the hard disk with corresponding date and time of the readings. If any of the parameter goes out of range, it may harm the baby inside the incubator, in this case, an automated message is sent to Doctor's mobile. The present system is especially useful in the hospitals having multiple Incubators.
Financial information One out of every 22 babies born in the world dies before reaching 28 days of age. Nearly 27 million babies are born in India each year; this accounts for 20 percent of global births. Of these, 1 million die before completing the first four weeks of life. This results in 25% of the total l3.9 million neonatal deaths worldwide. Globally, infections, asphyxia and prematurity are the leading causes of neonatal deaths. A similar pattern is seen in India where they contribute to 33, 21 and 15 percent of the total neonatal deaths respectively. A large proportion of neonatal mortality is contributed by infections, a largely preventable cause.
In developed countries, such as the United States, these babies are cared for via infant incubators, life support machines that provide adequate thermal regulation and environmental control for the baby while it uses all of its resources to complete development and attain normal size. However, in developing countries, infant incubators are not adequately utilized.
One reason for this underutilization is the complexity of design of standard incubators. Even when incubators are donated to third-world health facilities, they often end up gathering dust in the basement. The reasons for this are two-fold:
1) Standard incubators are difficult to maintain, and the health staff find the incubators too complicated to use.
2) Repairs on these incubators require specially trained technicians who are not available.
In addition, in the developing world, there is a larger proportion of primary and intermediate health facilities than there are in the developed world. These facilities vary widely in environmental conditions and services provided for neonatal care. However, the design of current incubators for homogeneous American hospital rooms does not allow for this variance. As a result, these facilities are burdened by maintenance of incubator features that they do not need. This discourages incubator use in these clinics, leaving low weight infants born in these areas without any means of care.
Furthermore, a large portion of low birth weight infants die in transit to hospitals, as there are not currently available adequate means to transport these babies in a thermally controlled environment. One of the reasons for these deaths are improper management system in the hospitals and manual monitoring system.
India’s capital, New Delhi, has a disturbingly high infant-mortality rate, according to the report released by the NGO Save the Children. The rate of 30 deaths per 1,000 births in Delhi compares unfavourably with cities like Mumbai (20) and Chennai (15).Early mortality is a particular concern. In Delhi, of all children dying before their first birthday, 64% died within the first 28 days of birth. Such deaths can be prevented with better access to health care and the presence of qualified birth attendants, says the report. The research found that incidences of infant death are almost three times higher in poorer households.
The proposed Patent is a remedy for all this problems.
We are looking for a company that will buy the same patent and will develop it into a product.
P.S: A markatable product is ready and interested buyers can ask for the demo.
Patent publications:No publication
Asking price:
350,000 USD
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