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Versatile Motion Simulator Development Platform
[Category : - Toys and games]
[Viewed 1420 times]
Close analysis, of the characteristics and mechanics of the prior art, shows that prior art motion simulators may be grouped into the following types:
1. Ruggles Orientator or "electro-mechanical gyroscope" type simulators (e.g. US 5725435 A to Castro de Faria).
2. Stweart/Gough or linear actuator activated type simulators (e.g. US 20050277092 A1 to Thong-Shing Hwang).
3. "Robotic arm" activated type simulators (e.g. US 20130108992 A1 to Buelthoff, Teufel, and Kerger ).
4. "Railtrack-guided" type motion simulators (e.g. US 3135057 A to Fredrick and Gordon).
5. Liquid or gas suspended type simulators.
6. caster-wheel-frame-mounted passive single sphere type simulators
(e.g. US 4489932 A to Gary L. Young, and US 6563489 B1 to Latypov).
Ceiling or frame "suspended" type simulators (e.g. US 3890722 A to Nunez).
linear induction activated type motion simulators (US 5052932 A to Trani)
Thus, I endeavored to device:
a motion simulator development platform that is:
1. capable of triaxial-360-degrees-of-rotational-motion,
2- uses light materials, inexpensive components and is simple to build,
3. not fitting into any of the above groups.
4. brings improvements to the state-of-the-art.
Patent publications:No publication
Asking price:
Above 1 million USD
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