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High Speed Dial Up

[Category : - DESIGN PATENTS- Computers and computer accessories - Telecommunications]
[Viewed 2150 times]

Today Tyler BuiltSM Belsena Mills, PA. Tyler Built, an American company, announced in the spring of 2015 the availability of new and innovative technology and technological device which will provide affordable access to High Speed Internet to many rural and under-served areas of the USA and much of the world. The small size (dimensions approximately that of a match box) and convenient installation of this device will enable inexpensive, high speed internet service to “The driving force for this innovation; to provide persons of all ages access to the learning resources, educational material, business functionality and other tools vital to society. This technology greatly improves the total information that can be transmitted over small wires and other medium starting in the range of MHz to infinity. By itself and combined with other transmission methods it will change the way the internet is accessed as we know it today” said, Jeffrey Tyler, Engineer, Visionary and Inventor at Tyler BuiltSM.
Positive Customer Impact
Many students, business men and women and customers have only affordable access to old “Dial Up” internet service. Another essential component to effective affirmations is the elimination of all doubt as I repeat my affirmation with intensity and frequency including 8 years of documented research, testing and a working prototype.
This small, convenient and high-tech device is inexpensive and readily available for manufacturing. My schematics and data fed into a press will produce a printed circuit board.
This electronic/regenerator can accept any transmission signal, digital or analog and repeat, reform, recreate and regenerate that signal for long distance high speed communications transport. It can be easily installed into existing telephone lines or other outside cabling.
### Jeffrey Tyler Engineer, Visionary, Inventor
"Innovation that connects people with technologies"
Tyler BuiltSM
"Patent Pending" 62069889 Under 35 U.S.C. 111, 35 U.S.C. 371. Skype: Tyler_Built Doing what they said could not be done. [Use the button below to contact me] VoIP: 813-523-0247 Cell: 727-262-1991 Penn State University EET St Petersburg College
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
For more information:
Jeffrey C Tyler
Mobile: (727) 262-1991
Business: (813) 523-0247
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Financial information

This product can be manufactured for less than $0.25 (twenty five cents), installed for less than $.0.50 (fifty cents). Return > $50.00 per month, 67% return.
Another essential component to effective affirmations is the elimination of all doubt as I repeat my affirmation with intensity and frequency including 8 years of documented research, testing and a working prototype.
Anyone interested in my patent: I will give it to you in exchange for some pocket money and royalties once deployed. If you are unable to deploy it, then you owe me nothing. No Risk, Win–Win for all.

Approximately 93 million Americans have no affordable access to high speed internet for education and business that is vital to society.

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