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Improved authentication and encryption (stopping brute forcing)

[Category : - SOFTWARES- Computers and computer accessories - Security and alarms]
[Viewed 1524 times]

Improved authentication and encryption (stopping brute forcing)

Patent pending with the European Patent Office.

The invention is an improved authentication and encryption methodology, to be implemented as apparatus and/or software on a machine. The invention is a quantum leap compared to the previous state-of-the art (i.e. hashing / SALTs).

With this invention, all keys / passwords gain extremely enhanced resistance against all forms of brute-force or dictionary attacks. Passwords short enough to be easily memorized by human beings could - previously - easily be brute-forced by modern supercomputers (e.g. those of nation state intelligence agencies) and/or large botnets. Using this invention, they are now resistant to these attacks. The same holds true for dictionary attacks, here the effect is even greater. The patent will give its holder / buyer an obvious and significant advantage, offereing much higher privacy and security regarding authentication and encryption than all competitors.

Buyer - Contacts in the security field within large operating system or security solution vendors, who are interested in obtaining this invention for both implementation and strategical value against competitors.
(I will not sell the invention to anybody intending to use the patent to block implementation of the invention for the public!)

Interested parties of big enough market power to be considered potential buyers can request the details of the invention. This will require signing an NDA, but absolutely no other commitments have to be made. The decision of the prospective buyer to enter sales negotiations or not can be made after disclosure of the details and full completed analysis by him. The details of the invention will clearly prove that the invention works (can be verified mathematically) and show how it works.

Thomas Wolf
- expert in computer security systems
- decades of experience as white hat hacker, winner of Reemtsma "Hacker of the Year" award 1991
- winner of several awards for mathematics / computer science
- renowned security and IT expert, headed several ITprojects / programs for Allianz Group (world's largest insurance group), currently heading Deutsche Boerse Group's information security program
- several media appearances (including the leading German news site SPIEGEL) as one of only nine members of the Giga Society (world's most discerning high IQ society)

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