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Historical (Annual) Forex Charts, Data and Forecasting.

[Category : - SOFTWARES- OTHER- Ordering and selling methods]
[Viewed 2240 times]

Long term (Yearly) forex charts (1800 - Present). Historical (Annual) currency exchange charts (1800 - Present). Historical currency exchange rates (from 1800s to present). Annual forex charts and data. Monthly forex charts (1980 – Present). 1,830 Currency pairs. Forecasting for the next 100 years (to 2100). Cross Rates. Gold and Crude Oil charts, data (1800 – Present) and forecasting for the next 100 years. Elliott Wave Analysis.

We have valuable financial information, which is unavailable through any other source. This data has never previously been published, and it cannot be obtained via internet. While this information is stored in bank records (50-100 years old), the banks themselves do not distribute this to the public. The information we possess pertains to the currency market and is very beneficial to businesses that engage in currency trading operations.

Our product is composed of currency exchange data and charts showing value trends of 28 major currency pairs for the last 200 years (from the year 1800 to present). While a thorough search on the internet will result in similar information, it will only reach back a maximum of 20 to 30 years.

Additionally, we have compiled accurate currency exchange forecasting guidance data on 28 major currency pairs for the next 100 years (until the year 2100). Again, performing a thorough search with today’s online and published sources, one can find such forecasting information with a maximum timeframe of 10 years.

Our predictions are accurately computed using the theories of Ralph Elliott, a financial analyst who published his findings on the methods of currency flow prediction at the beginning of the last century. The method used by our company in compiling our data is the Elliott Wave Analysis, widely-considered to be the optimum utility for currency value forecasting.

While keeping in mind the future of currency trading, we selected the best-possible resulting outcomes in our currency exchange forecasting analysis. With these outcomes, the theory of Ralph Elliott remains sound with all currency pairs, as well as the codependence of the individual currencies among each other. The verification of the codependence between currency pairs is found on our various charts from the year 1800 to the current time and also for the next 100 years (until 2100). This is verifiable using the “Currency Pair Equation” table, which can be found at our online home page Link

We have a total of 308 foreign currency exchange charts and 128 historical currency exchange rate data tables for 28 major currency pairs. The information displayed is divided into the following categories:

1. 28 Annual Forex charts for 28 currency pairs from the year 1800 to present time (Types “A”, “B”, “C”).
2. 28 Annual Forex charts for 28 currency pairs with Elliott Wave Analysis as early as the year 1800 and forecasting future flow rate for the next 100 years (to 2100). (Versions “A”, “B”, “C”).
3. 28 Historical currency exchange rate data tables of current end-of-the-year currency closing prices dating from the year 1800 to present time.
4. 6 Additional tables with supplementary information related to currency exchange trading.
5. 30 Tables with forecasting future flow rate for the next 500 years (until the year 2500). (Versions “A”, “B”, “C”). The tables project Grand Supercycle, Supercycle, Cycle, Primary, and Intermediate Waves. The tables show time-dependent currency wavelengths, the year and price at the beginning and end of each wave cycle, as well as the shape they take on. Examples and full listing of these tables can be found at our home page under the names of “Charts Resembling Each Other (2200–2500)”, “Year-Dependent Wavelength”, and “Index of Tables”.
6. Monthly currency exchange charts for 28 currency pairs dating from the year 1980 to present time (Types “A”, “B”).
7. Monthly currency exchange charts for 28 currency pairs with Elliott Wave Analysis and forecasting future flow rate for the next 50 years (to 2050). (Versions “A”, “B”, “C”).

The complete list of 28 currency pairs can be found at our website Link All charts and tables are updated annually. Sample charts and tables can be viewed at our "Home" page. The quality of the samples is greatly reduced compared to the actual product.

Also, we offer a vast amount of value trend information about “Cross Rates”, Gold, and Crude Oil. Our information database on “Cross Rates” is based on annual exchange rates data tables of national currency units of all world nations with regards to the Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar, EURO, Japanese Yen, New Zealand Dollar, Swiss Franc, British Pound, and US Dollar. You can see information about Cross Rates at Link

We offer currency data trending of past time periods and forecasting trends for future currency flow rates. Our information database on “Cross Rates” contains 1,800 currency pairs and is one of the most extensive collections in the world.

We have more than 12,500 tables and charts at this time. Using our data base, you can generate annual data tables and charts of all currency pairs in the world (more than 25,000 currency pairs) for the last 100-150 years. We can show you how to do that. You will have around 100,000 annual data tables and charts. That will be the most extensive data base of currency pairs, which you can find on internet at this time.

Our services can be delivered to you in the following manner:

1. E-mail attachment. Charts and tables will be sent to you in the Microsoft Excel format.
2. Airmail delivery. Charts and tables will be stored on a compact disk.


We are willing to sell distribution rights to those interested in purchasing the copyright to our products. Our copyright privileges are available to any businesses, organizations, or private investors who are interested in benefiting from ownership and distribution of our materials.

Please keep in mind that we are the first organization in the world to provide currency exchange forecasting services for extended periods of time (up to 100 years in advance) and therefore have virtually no competition from other financial firms. Our annual charts are prepared with Elliott Wave Analysis dating from the year 1800 to the year 2100. Please contact us with an offer at:

E-mail: [Use the button below to contact me] or [Use the button below to contact me]

Address: “FOREX UKLV. COM”.
15707 Waynita Way NE # C-301
Bothell, WA 98011,
USA (Seattle area).

Thank You,
Bogdan Okromeshko.

Financial information

Additional Information:

1. The Foreign Currency Exchange Market – the world’s largest trade market, processes over 1.5 trillion dollars worth of transactions every day. This is considerably more than the New York Stock Exchange, which handles anywhere from 20-30 billion dollars worth of transactions on a daily basis.

2. Twenty-four hours per day thousands of banks, tens of thousands international corporations, numerous brokerage and investment firms, and millions of private investors from around the world are trading currencies on the Foreign Currency Exchange Market. Operations performed daily at this exchange are often the main source of income of many of the world’s banks, which receive 70-80% of their profits from currency trading and only 20-30% from loan collections and other related transactions.

3. Surprisingly, considering the impact of such a large market, there exist no organizations offering strategic forecasting information on currency pricing for an extended period of time in advance (20, 50, 100 years ahead).

4. Long-term forecasting is an important element in currency value predictions because it is the fundamental data used as the base of short-term forecasting (1,3,5 years ahead).

a) Just as the walls of a building are erected upon a solid foundation, predictions of currency value shifts are based upon historical data of past market values.

b) In a similar sense, just as the walls of a building make up it’s framework, short-term currency forecasts are the framework of long-term currency forecasting.

c) In order to construct the walls of a building, one must study the blueprints of its design. Similarly, in order to make accurate predictions about short-term operations, one must know the general direction of the current market.

5. Our charts show fluctuations in price of 28 major currency pairs for the last 200 years (from 1800 to present time) including the largest possible currency price fluctuations for the next 100 years (until the year 2100). No other competing firm offers currency price forecasting for such a long period of time in advance. We offer a total of 308 charts and 128 tables showing historical data and forecasting information for major currency pairs. A complete listing of currency pairs can be found at our home page.
Additionally, we offer more than 12,000 of historical currency exchange rates data tables and charts for Cross Rates and tables showing Cross Rates flow for the next 100 years (all world nations). Our information database of historical currency flow rates is one of the most extensive collections available in the world today.

6. The information displayed by our products is not limited to analyzing the Foreign Currency Exchange Market. With the aid of our currency forecasts, you will be able to examine other financial markets and economic transactions in various regions of the globe.
For example:

a) When the price of the US dollar rises, valuable natural resources such as Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Gold, and Silver fall in their economic value and vice-versa.

b) Land property values will rise in a nation whose currency price will increase. For example, when the price of the US dollar begins rises, so does the price of land in the United States.

c) The price of the Swiss franc goes up in value during a military conflict between two or more nations, and it begins to fall as the conflict nears its end. Using our informational charts on the Swiss franc, you will be able to form accurate predictions on the political stability of the world’s nations.

d) An achieved stability of the value of a national currency leads to an increased number of foreign investments into the economy a specific nation. (Ex: stock market prices of shares issued by companies will rise as the value of the currency begins to stabilize in the host nation).

e) As the value of a national currency begins to rise, so does the average labor productivity and the average employee wage compensation. The unemployment rate will begin to drop, which in turn increases the amount of retail sales and stimulates the national economy.

f) An increase in the value of national currency leads to an increase in the export of product at a lower price and a decrease in the import of product at a higher price. Therefore, such currency flow predictions can be very valuable to an organization or an individual who operates in the import/export trade.

g) Other companies that will benefit from our products are those dealing with importing and exporting fossil fuels (Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal) as well as precious metals (Gold, Silver, and Copper). Our currency forecasting trends will indicate the ideal time period for purchase or sale of these materials and identify the most value-adding world currency for the transaction.

h) These are just a few examples of the additional benefits of our informational packets, there are many more possible uses for our products.

7. The national economy is the single greatest factor that influences currency value. As the economy of a nation grows to become more stabilized, the price of the national currency begins to rise in comparison to other countries. Therefore, our products can be used as a reliable source of information for predicting the stability of world economies in the 21st century. This is a valuable tool for anyone who deals in financial investments.

What Sets Us Apart From the Competition:

1. We provide forecasting trends for all primary world currencies (28 pairs), Gold, and Crude Oil for the next 100 years (until the year 2100). 2. We are the world’s first and only company to accurately forecast currency trends for over 100 years into the future. No similar firm can compete with our products.
3. Our Cross Rates historical database (including the last 200 years) provides data on over 1,800 currency pairs, and is among the most extensive in the world.
4. We forecast value trends of national currencies (all world nations) in relation to AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, and USD for the next 100 years.
5. Our data shows increases and decreases in currency value as well as side trends. This information allows the user to predict the most probable currency trend in any economic environment.

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