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Combination Athletic Jerseys

[Viewed 3814 times]

The concept involves the combination of any two different jerseys on the front and back. It could be the same team, as is portrayed by the home/away jerseys, or a combination of teams, as is portrayed in the other combinations.

My patents would enable you to combine any of the following jerseys together or the home/away combinations: high school, NCAA, NFL, or NBA

My patents also allow you to use existing athletic jerseys but customize the numbers on the front and the back to make them different in some way. Images also attached (ex. Oregon football jersey with american flag theme on the front and back)

Examples in images attached, but feel free to think of combination ideas that you would buy! (Michael Jordan UNC front and Bulls Back....the list goes on and on)

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I am open to an outright sale, however would like to get someone involved on the business side of things if they can prove they have the ability to push this concept along for approval of legal sales. I cannot legally sell these without the approval of Nike, NFL, NBA or a mass approval of all the major colleges.

Quite frankly, I am sick of wearing prototypes to games and having the ability to sell thousands of these on the spot......but it would infringe on legal aspects without approval from the entities or Nike/Adidas.

I have a number of other utility and design patents (some pending and some approved) that are associated with this concept.


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