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Omnidirectional Antenna with Enhanced Characteristics

[Viewed 1678 times]

The antenna is a major component interfacing radio systems with the ether. Antennas are becoming momentous in the life of mankind, especially after the evolution of wireless internet communications and military systems. With the tremendous growth and demand for high data rate wireless communication, more antennas covering a multitude of frequency bands are required. Point-to-multipoint configuration is a major interest nowadays; therefore antennas are designed for this purpose where efficiency, size, and cost play a decisive role. The common practice is to refer to the already existing antennas in the market for this sole purpose. Nonetheless, a major drawback of such solutions is that the aforementioned criteria are extremely hard to simultaneously optimize. In this project, an innovative approach relying on using Slotted Circular Waveguide Antenna as an ultimate alternative is explored; allowing the drastic enhancement for the ratio of performance versus cost and size. Simulation results along with experimental validations were carried out at 2.4 GHz and indubitably demonstrated high effectiveness in terms of directivity, high gain, size and reduced cost.
In this project, a novel approach was developed for the purpose of obtaining the desired electrical characteristics. Hence, a newly established Slotted Circular Waveguide Antenna was designed. The antenna consists of sixteen rectangular slots, divided into two sets of eight, distributed over the outer wall of the guide to provide an omnidirectional radiation pattern. The average directivity pattern was 23dBi, with a minimum and maximum of 18dBi and 28dBi respectively. The antenna’s weight is about 1.9kg with a diameter of 8.36cm and a height approximately 109cm. The designed antenna’s superiority stems from its electrical, mechanical and economical properties. Absence of nulls in the pattern, easiness of fabrication, high wind resistance, low cost, compactness, high efficiency, and easiness of mounting are combined.
Attention was paid to make the antenna ready for use in real systems. Return loss and matching aspects were an integrated part of the design methodology.

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