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[Category : - Food- HEALTH- Organic Chemistry]
[Viewed 4235 times]

The invention consists on a biphasic extract comprising an aqueous phase and an oil phase.

The extract contains [omega]3-fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and combinations thereof and further contains:
- 40-100% by weight of the oil phase as triglycerides, diglycerides, monoglycerides, phosphatides, free fatty acids
- 0.01-10% of carotenoids by weight of the oil phase

Together the aqueous phase and the oil phase of the biphasic extract contain essentially all the lipid material originally in the microalgae biomass, i.e. both apolar lipids (e.g. triglycerides, free fatty acids) and polar lipids (e.g. glycolipids, phospholipids).
Thereby it provides outstanding nutraceutical values over the currently existing extracts that are limited mostly to the apolar fractions (triglycerides, free fatty acids).

The invention also provides a unique extraction process from WET biomass of micro-organisms. The process does not require the use of volatile organic solvents (detrimental for the health and the environment). Moreover the process operates at mild temperature conditions and without the need of costly and hard to mantain equipment, thus overcoming the currently used high pressure extraction processes.

Financial information

We are looking for an outright sale and/or a licensee for this invention that has not been previously marketed in the USA.

The invention has patent FAMILY currently ongoing in AUSTRALIA, EUROPE and CANADA as listed hereby

Currently a related product is traded in EUROPE under the EU trademark VEGAKRILL

The market potential of the product and process is above 1550K USD/year considering a conservative 10% of the total US market share in the nutraceutical and cosmetaceutical areas by 2015-2016.

The biphasic extract is distinct from currently sold products in the fact that it contains all the lipid material originally in the microalgae biomass: both apolar lipids (e.g. triglycerides, free fatty acids) and polar lipids (e.g. glycolipids, phospholipids) of the [omega]3-fatty acids series (such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA))

Thereby the biphasic composition provides outstanding nutraceutical values over the currently existing extracts that are mostly limited to the apolar fractions and are therefore less rich in the PUFAs eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The outcome of the process is a biphasic extract that can easily be processed to [omega]3-PUFA oil in high yield if required.

Furthermore, the unique extraction process from WET biomass of micro-organisms does not require the use of volatile organic solvents that are detrimental for the health and the environment. The invention is on the contrary based on natural extractants obtainable from agriculture waste (such as plant derived fermetation alcohols) and on biological processes.

Moreover, the process operates at mild temperature conditions and without the need of costly and hard to mantain equipment, thus overcoming currently used high pressure extraction processes.

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