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[Category : - SOFTWARES]
[Viewed 3361 times]

A digital multimedia platform available to a plurality of collaborators of a video project through a networked computing system maps script information to a timeline, allowing contributions to be mapped to the timeline for inclusion in the project. One embodiment includes a tools module, an authentication module, a compilation module, and a script writing tool. The tools module enables editing of a multimedia project by collaborators. The authentication module assigns roles and privileges to collaborators. The compilation module receives files and information from collaborators to the multimedia project. The script writing tool implements edits to a script file associated with the multimedia project.

Financial information

The system provides a digital multimedia platform available to a plurality of collaborators of a video project through a networked computing system. The platform records script information to a timeline, allowing contributions to be mapped to the timeline for inclusion in the project. The system includes a tool module, an authentication module, a compilation module, and a script writing tool. The tool module enables editing of a multimedia project by collaborators. The authentication module assigns roles and privileges to collaborators. The compilation module receives files and information from collaborators to the multimedia project. The script writing tool implements edits to a script file associated with the multimedia project.
This patented technology provides a platform to integrate script writing and video editing, and world-wide collaboration among creators of video content.

• Video Editing
• Collaboration
 Editor to assemble video shots
 Files saved to timeline
 Follow script guidelines
 Angle, action, lighting
 Shoot videos
 With target background or Green Screen
 Upload multiple videos
 Let editor select best ones
 Actors
 May use any HDTV camera, external microphone, green screen, lighting
 Access to stock footage

• Script Writer:
• Search for writers
• Script organizes video cloud files
• Provides modular and scalable architecture
• Empowers effective collaboration

 Input Characters and their descriptions
 Input Scenes
 Scenes include multiple shots
• Shot Name
• Camera / lighting angles
• Characters Dialogues
• Action
• Comments

Screen tests Business Video Music Video Gaming
Auditions Travel Video Cooking video Voice Over
Rehearsals Educational Videos Commercials Infomercial

On-Location Hubs
Hub Location Finder Set Feature Module Social Networks
Scheduling Module Production Module Advertising Module
Payment Module Quality Module
Upload Module Casting Module

Participants scattered around arena using their mobile devices
Real-time and seamless collaboration during the event
Captured videos uploaded to the cloud production timeline

Enhanced Hardware Operation
Chroma-keying with retro-reflective background
Mobile devices, video, audio, tracking, lighting…

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Page created at 2025-04-01 0:55:11, Patent Auction Time.