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AUXILIARY SHEET FOR VEHICLE(for baby safety belt structure)

[Category : - Automotive Accessories - HUMAN NECESSITIES- Baby products]
[Viewed 3343 times]

The invention is simple. and change size width, height for different baby size each other. so can use baby, and general people(adults).
Make comfortable, and easy install

The invention relates to an auxiliary seat for a vehicle, comprising a sheet member disposed on the seat of a vehicle so that an adult or an infant can sit on the sheet member
a front protection unit placed on the abdomen of the infant sitting on the sheet member so as to protect the infant from the front
a first connection unit which is detachably mounted on a seatback, is supported by a headrest connected to the seatback, is inserted and withdrawn so as to be extended and shortened from the seatback to the front, and is detachably combined with the front protection unit so as to be connected to the front protection unit
and a second connection unit which is provided to the sheet member and the front protection unit and fixes the front protection unit by detachably connecting the front protection unit to the sheet member

PCT No. PCT-KR2013-01097

If you contact me,
You can get license world wide and make safety world

"All children must have to be safety"

Please feel free to contact me any time

Financial information

Baby car seat market is $300M(US) for year in USA

China child satety seat market high growth a year

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