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foldable electrically heated car cover

[Category : - Automotive Accessories - DESIGN PATENTS]
[Viewed 7622 times]

Foldable electrically heated car cover.(tarp) designs for my invention are complete and is prov.patented.this car cover is designed to be made of vinyl to cover entire car.large patches of vinyl are integrated together with insulation and wiring thru out.the wiring generating heat around car to reduce or eliminate ice/snow on your car.once tarp is removed there won't be any type scraping of ice/snow.once tarp is removed simply fold and store in trunk or garage.wait,there's more,attached to the tarp is a pouch for a rechargeable battery preferably a lith.type battery.this cover is powered by house hold out-let.also has on/off switch .let's say you go to work,still snowing,replace tarp turn switch to on position,get off wor remove tarp ready to tarp is light weight can be manufactured any size type vechicle there is.colors whatever is needed.this is a global market and I say this because where there's snow,my tarp should be there.last but not least,i've requested the tarp to be as light weight as possible because there's elderly,handicapped people with limited range of motion that wouldn't have to scrape or anyone for that more worries about cracked windshields,damage to wipers,warm vech.easy startups.5 mjn to put on vech. 5 the scraping way. my big question is this,why freeze out there while trying to scrape when the tarp does it all.let's say you finally get it done then stat driving the hood gets warm and if you didn't get all the ice off the hood a large chunk of ice comes flying onto your windshield causing blindness for 5-7 sec.enough time to get into a might work but consider the time and amount you would I said before with the battery if you go on trip and decide to stop at a motel simply cover car turn power on with switch.forget like to turn their cars on to warm the inside then along come Charlie brown,neighborhood car thief easy pickings right,not when the tarp is much hassle to steal that car.if stranded w/no power it might not be 80 degrees inside but it'll be warmer than out side.entire car ice/snow free

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as I did my own research to the best as I could there is no other like this tarp.i call this idea/invention tarp,cover blanket.same concept as a house hold electric but larger scale and not under the same cateragory as house preference would be to license my idea but I could also consider a buyout.all in good product doesn't exist so there is no potential I know it has a very high market condition(of others)is my logo stats with my name also depending on arrangements agreed to.this can be brought up in discusstions.if interested e-mail I do have designs write-ups etcsend me your e-mail i'll get those to you.

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