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Self-destruct APP
[Category : - OTHER]
[Viewed 2006 times]
The Self-Destruct MSG application will allow senders to customize their messages and set a time for the message to self-destruct once it has been opened by the receiver. Messages send in this way cannot be saved, copied, or forwarded. This app can be added to any mobile device and affect any kind of messages sent from that device including text, picture, video, voice and emails. Once it has been installed, the user will select from four options on the menu screen which will control the eventual fate of the message being sent. The message can be shared or saved if the sender so chooses. If the sender choses the self-destruct option, the next screen allows him or her to set a time limit to self-destruct after it has been viewed by the recipient. The sender can also set a limit on the number of times it can be viewed. The default for all messages sent not subject to the controls provided by the app gives the recipient full control of the future of the message after it has been received.
The unique features of this application will provide the following benefits for all consumers:
• Senders would be able to maintain control over the use of messages they send
• Receivers would no longer be able to save and forward messages received from others without permission
• Messages which are intended for private communications could no longer be used to destroy the lives of the senders
• Senders will feel more comfortable sharing intimate thoughts and pictures when they are assured that these messages will not reach a wider audience
Financial informationThis APP will be monetized through its service packages, advertising and a Mobile APP store where members can customized their own personal M-stores. I am willing to offer a serious investor 20% of the finish product for $50,000 which will go toward the completion of this project. The entire business plan will be revealed to investors in order to fully understand the caliber of this APP. It has the same potential to take its place among all and any of the major apps out there and I possess the skills and education to get it there. At the moment I am offering this opportunity to only one investor to come on board as my partner. The potential for profit is endless.
Patent publications:No published informationAsk the inventor for a copy of the filed application
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