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Wireless low noise block down converter (LNB)

[Category : - Telecommunications]
[Viewed 2325 times]

The wireless low noise block down converter (LNB, LNC or LND) comprises a wireless transceiver unit, antenna 15, power source interface 11, 23, plus an Ethernet console port 19. The communication process starts with an end user channel request made through a digital receiver (18, Figure 3)
the requested channel is encapsulated with MAC address and then modulated with a radio channel for wireless transmission using the WLAN standard IEEE 802.11, received at the LNB side. Requested channels are separated (demodulated) from the transmitted radio signal. The LNB obtains requested channel information from the satellite dish and sends it back using the same wireless transmission method. Referring to the TCPI/IP network Model, MAC address technology identifies each signal (digital receiver) request so the exact digital receiver gets its required channel information. As claimed, the system comprises: an LNB integrated with a wireless transceiver or unit, replacing coaxial cable, e.g. via an antenna
provision of an electricity connection to the LNB so it gets its power supply from a direct source
and an Ethernet console added to the LNB to enable wireless features configurations.

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