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Sleeping enclosure for an infant

[Viewed 3737 times]

The sleeping enclosure for an infant is comprised of a sleeping cushion and a dome-shaped net that rests atop. The sleeping enclosure is a soft pillow-like structure that is further defined by retaining walls such that an infant rests within and is incapable of rolling out of the sleeping cushion. The sleeping cushion rests and secures atop a mattress via at least one adjustable strap, which in conjunction with the sleeping cushion encircles said mattress. The dome shaped net rests atop the retaining walls and prevents objects from falling upon an infant contained within the enclosure.
I call it the "INFANT SAVER" With a passion for change and dreams of giving parents a peace of mind when they are sleeping; Inspires me to never quit my dream of saving one infants life with my product. Please help me help someone else.
Thank you
Milane H. Martin

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I have a CERTIFIED UTILITY PATENT (NOT PATENT PENDING) Full US Patent. I name it the "INFANT SAVER". I am wanting to sell 90% of my patent, remember all offers will considered. Please contact me if you have any questions at 951.305.2878 or my email [Use the button below to contact me]

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