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Why list your patent for sale on Patent ?

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It's Easy: you just register in a few simple steps, upload your information (description, picture, patent number, etc...) and your patent is instantly listed on

It's Free: we do not charge you or anybody else for the service. PatentAuction is not a commercial venture.

It's Non-exclusive: you may (and should) still promote your patent on your own website or by other means.

And, most of all, it's Efficient: is quite well ranked by major search engines (like google, yahoo or msn). This is thus a free and easy way for inventors to receive immediate online exposure.
Your patent listing may appear in the search results of major search engines within a couple of days (nevertheless, as you can imagine, we can not guarantee it, because this may vary depending on the keywords typed, on the search engine used, etc...).

We hope to provide your invention with the exposure needed to attract investors.

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Page created at 2025-02-14 8:46:39, Patent Auction Time.