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[Home > About] is never involved in the current deal between a buyer and a seller. In other words, the seller has no duty to report a sale to

For this reason, we do not have any reliable statistics on the patents sold through

Some members received email contacts through PatentAuction (and this number is increasing as PatentAuction becomes more and more visited). For example, one single company contacted more than 10 of our members having patent in a specific field to further discuss their inventions. Some members even reported that listing their patent with us helped them to rush negotiations with previous contacts who were afraid to loose the deal.

Another important element is that is there to help you advertise your patent; but the main factor for selling it will be the quality of your invention and the size of the potential market. These factors are totally beyond our control.

Please also bear in mind that we are not like the companies which will market your invention in exchange of (huge) fees. PatentAuction wishes to give some more exposure to your invention by providing free internet listing.
Your success in selling your patent still depends on how successful you will be in handling negotiations with potential buyers.

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